How to Choose Your Tenants? Recommendations for Property Owners

Renting out your property is an effective way to earn a steady income. However, being careful in selecting tenants prevents long-term problems and preserves the value of your investment. Here are important points to consider when choosing your tenants:

  1. Conduct a Comprehensive Application Process When evaluating potential tenants, conduct a comprehensive application process. Ask tenants to fill out a detailed application form. Ensure this form includes the tenant's personal information, employment status, monthly income, and previous rental history.

  2. Check Credit and Income Status Checking the credit and income status of tenant candidates is crucial for payment assurance. Conduct necessary research to determine if the tenant has a regular income and a clean credit history. A reliable tenant will not cause delays in rent payments.

  3. Evaluate References Check the references of tenant candidates to evaluate their previous rental history. Request reference letters from previous landlords or employers. These references provide information about how the tenant behaved during previous rental periods and help assess their reliability.

  4. Verify Identity and Documents Verify the identity and documents of tenant candidates. Ensure that copies of ID, income documents, and employment documents are complete and accurate. These documents prove the tenant's reliability and authenticity.

  5. Conduct an Interview Meet with tenant candidates face-to-face to get a personal impression. During the interview, you can gain insights into the tenant's attitude, behavior, and sense of responsibility. Additionally, the tenant's willingness to answer questions openly and honestly increases their reliability.

  6. Define Rental Terms Defining rental terms from the start protects both your and the tenant's rights. Clearly specify all details in the rental agreement, such as the rent amount, payment method, deposit amount, rental period, and maintenance responsibilities. Ensure that the tenant accepts these terms.

  7. Document Tenant Commitments in Writing Documenting tenant commitments in writing prevents future disputes. Record all agreements and commitments made with the tenant in writing and keep a signed copy from both parties. Written documents are valid evidence in legal processes.

  8. Maintain Regular Communication Maintaining regular communication with your tenant helps identify potential problems early. Establish a good relationship by responding quickly and positively to the tenant's requests and complaints. Reliable and open communication increases tenant satisfaction and helps build long-term rental relationships.

  9. Track Rental Payments Regularly track rental payments and communicate with the tenant in case of any delays. Send payment reminders to ensure the tenant makes payments on time and initiate legal processes when necessary. Regular rental payments prevent financial losses.

  10. Get Legal Support Obtaining legal support during the tenant selection process and when preparing the rental agreement prevents potential future problems. Seek help from a legal advisor to fulfill all legal requirements and consider the tenant's rights as well. Legal support ensures the process progresses smoothly and securely.


Tenant selection is a critical step to preserve the value of your property and earn a steady income. By conducting a comprehensive application process, checking credit and income status, evaluating references, and verifying documents, you can find reliable tenants. Additionally, clearly defining rental terms, maintaining regular communication, and obtaining legal support ensure the process runs smoothly. Remember, the right tenant selection guarantees the success of your investment in the long term.